Become a FSI - Instructor

In order to manage the requests we are receiving and the demand for our programs from all over the globe we are welcoming new candidates for our licensed FSI - Instructor Courses. Before enrolling into one of our courses the applicant will have to undergo a thorough assessment. Based on this we will be able to see if the candidate is fit enough to pass the particular course and, more importantly, will be a suitable representative of Fightschool International. After a positive assessment the course can be attended, after which a final examination will take place.

As of now FSI is offering the following courses:

  • FSI - Ju-Jutsu Instructor
  • FSI - Women Defense Instructor
  • FSI - Kids Defense Instructor
  • FSI - Knifefighting Instructor
  • FSI - Yoga Instructor
  • FSI - Indian Clubbell Instructor
  • FSI - Tai Chi & Chi Kung Instructor

The entry requirements to be able to attend our courses are as following:

  • Minimum age of 21 years
  • No criminal record (FSI may request to present a Certificate of No Criminal Record)
  • Fluently English in communicating and writing
  • For instructors of non-English speaking countries also able to fluently communicate and write in native language of that country
  • Motivation in writing why you choose to attend the course with and at FSI + why you think you are a suited candidate
  • FSI-member when enrolling in the course
  • In possession of First Aid certificate or able to get certified at the earliest
  • Of physically and mentally sound health and confirms to attend the course for his/her own risk
  • Willing to attend the yearly compulsory follow-up training in order to keep the FSI-Instructor license valid

Interested to join one of our courses?